In order for your business to continue to receive payments under the JobKeeper scheme, you must lodge a “JobKeeper business monthly declaration” report with the ATO.

Importantly, the JobKeeper business monthly declaration report is NOT a reassessment of your businesses eligibility for the JobKeeper scheme, it’s purely for statistical purposes to enable Treasury and the Government to track and report key details about the scheme.

Once your business is eligible for the JobKeeper scheme, you remain eligible until either the scheme finishes or you voluntarily exit the scheme, for example if you decide to close your business or if you no longer have any eligible employees or business participants.

Information Included in JobKeeper Business Declaration Monthly Report

The following information is included in the monthly report:

  • Actual and projected GST turnover
  • Confirmation of the eligible employees covered by the scheme
  • Confirmation of your contact details
  • Confirmation of your financial institution details to receive the JobKeeper payments

Deborah Jenkins, Deputy Commissioner from the ATO has said that businesses need to stay on top of their monthly reporting obligations under the JobKeeper scheme, explaining “Each month, you need to make sure that you are paying eligible employees the relevant $1,500 per fortnight and we also understand things change over time.

“You may find that some employees depart the country (if they’re able to) or they may not wish to remain on your books.

“That’s the purpose of the monthly declaration. It’s to make sure your business still exists and to check who your employees are that are employed for that period of time.”

Businesses are encouraged to use the ATO’s business portal or their registered tax or BAS agent to lodge the reports.

“We need information for the current and projected turnover, but that is not to retest the businesses eligibility.”

“It is statistical information; we need to understand how this JobKeeper scheme is playing out and whether it is meeting what it was set out to do.”

Lodging the Report

Where your business is registered for Single Touch Payroll (STP) you can lodge via:

  • The Business Portal via your myGovID
  • Through your Tax agent (i.e. Quill Group)

More information on the monthly JobKeeper declaration report can be found on the ATO website: JobKeeper Payment – Step 3: Make a business monthly declaration.

Other Articles Related to JobKeeper

The following are other articles related to the JobKeeper scheme:

If you have any questions or require assistance with your JobKeeper Monthly Declaration Report please contact our team.