Sometimes you need to take the risk.

Recently, I had the opportunity to head to New Zealand for a holiday. It was definitely a holiday full of high adrenaline adventures. The ultimate experience for me was jumping from a canyon wall and free falling 60 metres down a rocky cliff face, to then swing 200m above a river. Sounds scary, doesn’t it?

I can tell you, during those few seconds when I was falling, it was incredibly scary. I was screaming the entire time, then as I reached the swing above the river I realised I had survived, and began giggling with joy!

Suddenly, after the major shock and thrill of the experience was gone, I could take in the birds’ eye view. The feeling took my breath away… so much so that I did it again! And the next time, I was strapped to a chair and fell backwards. It was exhilarating, and like nothing I had ever experienced in my life.

Do the research.

Before the trip, during the planning stage, I had researched the most thrilling jumps you could do in New Zealand. I researched the equipment and safety measures, the costs involved, history of the locations and even read reviews from previous customers about their experiences. Taking all this information into consideration, I then compiled my wish list for adventure.

However, if I hadn’t prepared myself to understand how the jump would work, how the swing operates, and the ins and outs of the entire jump, there is no way I would have enjoyed the experience as much as I did. Being able to understand everything and trust the people that would be operating the jump was very important to me as it meant I could relax into the process.



Here’s the photo evidence of me jumping into the canyon. See? I really did do it.


Doing the research meant that I was able to make the right choice in who to partner with to help me take the risk – and have the best outcome.

Whether it be jumping off a canyon, or taking a risk for your business, there can be many rewards and benefits. It is important to identify and evaluate potential risks, and of course to seek professional advice to develop a detailed plan before you take the leap of faith.

As in life, in business it is necessary to take calculated risks to uncover new possibilities, new markets, new directions and further success. And sometimes it’s about taking that risk to fulfil that business passion or dream you have.

Remember, today is a new day and a new opportunity for you to take ‘harness’ of your professional or business goals. All the best with your ‘jump’… Just as I did in New Zealand!